Tuesday, March 23, 2010

not a study day.

I skipped the lesson today just for the British Council placement test. There was really a quite good place.You can see many students who came from different countries and different ages there.
I took the test and i found that my grammar and vocabulary are really weak and poor.TT.After having a talk with teacher Pamela who was very friendly, i knew that i was in INTERMEDIATE level..haiz..

there were a SUBWAY and COFFEE BEAN.No need to worry about my breakfast or lunch =)

outside view.

i am going to feel familiar with this huge building soon.

Going to become British Council's student soon. Must study hard loo..if not will feel sorry to my parents..since the fees is damn expensive.

She was lying on my Binomial Distribution Exercise Paper..

I love this ..cute right?haha

i just played a test in facebook and it is sooooooo accurate !!!!
Wanyeen 完成了 史上最正心理測驗 心理測驗,結果是 二、 心裡覺得很害怕,但還是跟他進屋子。
what happened o....


hsin said...

wah.....sooooooo accurate hor~

wingbie said...

berapa the fees?

Cassandra.C said...

rm580 leh..for 10 courses