Friday, January 7, 2011

sherlyn's 18 bday + 半山芭

it's has been a long time since my last visit to TITIWANGSA..
dropped by there today and felt so strange!LOL
i used to pass by there everyday during my school life..
but will become stranger to me..
reached school at almost 3pm..
as usual..i reached there earlier than CL..hiahia..
i am always the earliest!X)

bumped into 日月三州..talked awhile then went into the new building..
this is it..

a big empty the ground floor..

many narrow stairs..

the toilet is quite dirty..and DOESN'T HAVE MIRROR..LOL

yi became slimmer and more haggard eh..

harlo..ah miich..

met up with dear wendy=)

miss ya=)

met up with sherlyn in secret for her 18 birthday celebration!


we chatted a lot and stayed there quite a long time..hehe..
really long time no see and cant wait for next meeting!

after i reached home..
the next station--半山芭 bought 药材with my parents and cousins..
OMG..they spent almost 2 hours in the shop!@@

after that..we went to 半山芭为食街(the place where my parents pak tuo when they were young)..LOLwe ordered...

六尾糖水(nice but not cheap)

烧鱿鱼+烧豆腐+虾饼(promoted by 一日五餐,but okok only..and not cheap too)

炒粿条(nice and cheap!rm3.50)

炸鸡(promoted by 一日五餐too..but i didn't have a try on it..haha)



hsin said...

had a nice day :)

chooi ling said...

that char kuey teow mcm...
lol.u noe what i say

Miich said...

i miss u 2 so much!!! :)))

Cassandra.C said...

CL!u want like this??that really so nice de la..dun imagine that after u watched horrible movie eh!

Cassandra.C said...

CL!u want like this??that really so nice de la..dun imagine that after u watched horrible movie eh!