Monday, January 3, 2011

undang & amali?

finally i have PASSED my undang!!!
so gan jeung eh..haha
the 6 hours amali..
SUFFERED like hell please..
due to lack of sleep..
really really really very sleepy in the class..luckily my uncle decided to fetch us home after 3 hours.
the feel just like i have reached the HEAVEN =D

have to wait 1 to 2 weeks for my L licence..
gan jeung for driving lesson again liao..

1 day past for this busy week..
tomorrow is another busy day.

that moment is coming soon..
i am so nervous,curious and suspicious..
and a bit scare and lack of confidence.


the KNOCK OUT mv is sooooooooooooo damn nice!!!
album faster come please!!

the last moment of 17.WOOHOO


kheryin said...

yeah i like ur header=D
n i start lerning car le!
can fetch u all out next time!
i miss u <3

Cassandra.C said...

hoooorr KHERY YIN..i miss you too <3
cant wait to see u drive car leh!!
how was the class?is it ok?

kheryin said...

amali chiu sien!
n learn drive keep 死火 n giv ppl hon oni
nyahahaha mei ban fa i am so kheryin=)