Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sem 2 New Scope :)

Oh well, so finally my 2nd sem started 2 days ago!

During the past 3 week-sem-break, i had gone through many things, like the unacceptable results, some relationship's problems and something that made me felt so guilty and i dont even wanna mention a word of it.
Ya.. the most important thing--> My bloody results.
Luckily, the college's department changed some of the requirements of the scholarship so now i am *SAFE*. YAY YAY YAY YAY!  :D

After studied diploma in mass com for 1 semester, i can announce in a very proud way that I DONT FEEL REGRET AT ALL! and I SHOULD MAKE THIS DECISION EARLIER!  Seriously, Mass Com is not as easy as how normal people think of it. It is difficult and challenging in another way.  However, i do enjoy it and i am glad that i met a bunch of awesome people! Oh Yeah~ They are turning me from introvert into exintrovert! ya "TURNING"  XDD *THANKS =P*

*The world of mass communication and advertising is so awesome and fantastic!*

I might have to explain a bit about the Introvert thingy. As some people know that i am not introvert at all. HAHA. Oh well, i do show some sites of it when i am in a totally new environment. Surprisingly, i did a personality test in 1st sem and it showed that i am a super introvert person! ( Which is not so true :3) And that is how the " EXINTROVERT" comes from. Perhaps i am slowly get use to the environment, during the 1st day of my 2nd sem, i talked A LOT like i din talk for ages. HAHAH.

I love my life now and this is much more better compares to my life in 2011. I am doing what i like to do with a bunch of awesomeeeeeee people. I get to learn more, discover more and explore more about myself. HEHE.


I have a very nice family, i have many caring and fantastic friends, i have a bunch of awesome college new friends and i have someone who is always be there for me.

My life, fills with love.

I am so blissful.


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