Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Have you ever thought that one day if you become a monster, what kind of monster is that?
A vampire? werewolf ? zombie ? etc.
Have you ever thought that the evil side in your body will make you become what kind of creature and what makes it that way?
jealousy? realistic? greedy? etc.


Evil side of human nature.

The deepest and untouchable.

" One day, the sensitivity and sentimental side of me will kill me. "

Yes, it will.

What if the one who is important to you treat you like you are a monster after he or she knows your evil side?
Judging? Gossip behind you? Talk bad? Point at you and treat you like a stranger? etc.


Everyone may look at me with judging eyes, but what really hurts is the fact that you have become a part of that ‘everyone. 


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