Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A bad food day @pizza hut TTDI

Yesterday was a really bad food day.

Ning, Melissa, Heather and me decided to go pizza hut which is located at TTDI to have our lunch since Ning has a free voucher for a personal pizza set.

And from now on, i will reblog Ning's blog post since she posted everything so detailed.

"We found parking! It was just right in front. Oh yea~~ Went to the restaurant and start ordering other side dishes like Seafood Lasagna and one pitch of Pepsi. When the soup came, it was nearly spilled! (I kid you not!) SHE just "threw" the soup on our table. Not exactly threw but the rough way of put.

FIRST bad impression.

Fine. Maybe you were rushing to take your next order. I'm all good.

After that, our pizza and Seafood Lasagna finally arrived!

What the crap. Like seriously???

I mean...look at the Lasagna!!

It's sooo obvious that the side part was being cut off! And another thing. Notice the right part? Where the black colour thingy? As a customer, we do have rights to change another dish. Correct? So we decided to complain.

Guess what the lady said?

She said the black thing is the cheese. It turned black because it was put into the oven. We asked if we could change it. She said Noooooo~~~ WTFUUU!!! Don't talk to me with those kind of tone please! I will definitely get annoyed. We asked another question which is isn't it suppose to be full? She gave another Nooooo~~ again! *points the finger* SHIT YOUUU!! What the crap?? You were wearing different colour of uniform so I assumed that you belonged to a higher group of employees but you just gave me the same friggin bad impression too.

I won't be coming here anymore.

No way. Banned!!

It's the worst RM11.20 Lasagna ever!!! It tastes really weird too!! :(

Pictures are all below.

 see the so-called "seafood", just a little baby prawn!

epic expression !

面粉糕 " min fan gou"

These started our bad food day, stay tuned for the part 2 @chilli rush!


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